Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Another camera phone pic. This was the day after we had our family pictures taken, and Madeleine was all about playing photographer. She lined up the chairs in front of the refridgerator, and had Noah and me sit while she took pictures with my phone. Or tried to. She didn't understand the delay, and moved the camera too soon, and they all came out blurry. Then I told her it was her turn, and she and the boy happily posed for this picture. I can't tell you why Noah is dressed and Madeleine isn't. I can tell you that he is dressed in the overalls to limit his access to his diaper, which he promptly removes whenever he poops in it. I understand this is a good thing, a sign of potty training readiness, but it's not a good thing when he untapes it and flings it between his legs, thereby sending nuggets zinging around the room. My house is messy enough as it is.

Hence, the overalls.

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