Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Madeleine turns four!

On October 16, Madeleine turned four years old! She's growing up and maturing so fast, I can't hardly keep up. She loves dressing up, preschool, dance class, Princesses, McDonald's, making friends, and doing girly things with Mommy like shopping and nails. She loves reading and being read to. She is bold, curious, and friendly, and not a bit shy about asking that young woman in Wal Mart last night what that thing was in her face (a lip ring) and why (because she wanted to). She wakes up talking ("Mommy, what's your favorite color? How do you spell cake? What are we going to do today?") and she falls asleep talking ("Daddy, what's your favorite color? How do you spell castle? What are we going to do in the morning?") and barely stops to draw breath in between. She knows who John McCain, Barack Obama, Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart, Rachel Madow, and Steven Colbert are. She hates having her hair brushed and when Noah gets all up in her business. I'm sure I've said this before, but we are so blessed to be her family. She is our delight. Happy birthday, girly-whirly!





Here are birthday pictures from the last four years!

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