Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm a Treonaut!

For my birthday and Valentines Day, my husband gave me a new phone: a Treo 680 Smartphone! It was a bit of a surprize - I knew I was getting a new, nicer phone, but I didn't expect a Treo. It's a phone, an organizer, an MP3 player, has internet and email access, and more stuff it will take me weeks to figure out. Thank goodness I have my very own Treo Sensei in our good friend Orin. I guess this means I have to stop teasing him about his phone now.

I really really want to use this gadget to it's potential, and not get overwhelmed and just have a really expensive cell phone. I'm exicted about the stuff I could use it for at work, especially for transporting. I'm going to explore putting reference material on there like drug info and maybe even loading our protocols up on it.

The camera is nicer. I can take short videos, and I've a couple that I've tried to upload to YouTube, but I've had no luck so far. I had hoped to put them up here, and I am still investigating how to get that accomplished. Here's a pic of me and Madeleine taken with the Treo:

(yes, I realize the pictures on the wall in the background are crooked)

So far, my favorite thing about the Treo is the qwerty keyboard. It makes texting so much faster for me. It would take me for-freakin-ever on my old phone. I will miss the automatic word suggestion feature, though. It was always interesting to see what the phone thought I was typing. But now I won't give up on my message halfway through because I'm tired of typing. The keys are tiny tiny tiny, but they are extremely well engineered. I haven't once hit a button I didn't mean to, like getting a "g" instead of an "f". It's pretty cool.

I've got to go before I get to geeky. It's probably too late, though, since I've already dedicated an entire post to the darn thing.

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