Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Four months with Noah

Can't remember what it was like without him. He had his 4 month checkup last week and did great, even with the 5 immunizations he had to get. He's 14lbs 12 oz, 25.5 " long, and his head circumference is 42 cm. Everything's in the 50th %tile except his length, which is in the 75th %tile. That explains why his legs outgrow his sleepers so quickly. He's hitting all the developmental things for a 4-5 month old pretty well. We're waiting for him to roll over from tummy to back or back to tummy, but that could be any day now. He's rolling from side to side easily, and often turns 360 degrees around when he's lying on his back playing under the baby gym. He's been laughing, gurgling, and groaning for a while now, but just these last couple of days, he's figured out that he can screech. It's a pretty interesting sound, at times sounding like a mountain lion, and other times like Steven Tyler.

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