Thursday, January 11, 2007

Baby Puck

is due today! No word yet from Chicago. We are waiting anxiously to meet her! If my lucky labor shirt was still lucky, I'd overnight it to Becca. The effects, however, were sadly temporary ("Mee mee mee mee mee mee", and only worked for me with Madeleine. If I were my husband or my brother, I'd turn this into some crack about the Cubs, but I'm nicer than they are, so I won't.


Anonymous said...

Still no sign of baby, no hint of baby. My BP and the non-stress test today were both good, so we are in a holding pattern until next week. We are worried that this kid is going to be a Bears fan, and make her debut during the Bears playoff game on Sunday. Andy is worried enough about raising a girl, but raising a football fan?? The thought scares the bejesus out of him!

Anonymous said...

That same fear would have existed in me if I thought I might have to raise an astronomer :)

Anonymous said...

I always thought "sadly temporary" referred to something else in the muppet movie, but I can't share it here.