Thursday, June 21, 2007

Running erins and beccas

When we were really little, my sister and I thought that when my parents said they were running errands, they were running erins. Now, that just didn't seem fair to my sister, and she insisted that they run beccas, too. So our family for years has called it "Running erins and beccas" whenever we are out and about, running errands. (I guess Christopher was out of luck.) So here are some photos taken on my Treo of the kids and I running erins and beccas on Tuesday in Columbia, shopping for diaper cake supplies and picking up the milk I left at work in the deep freeze. We hit WalMart (on Broadway), Hobby Lobby, Toys R Us, Burger King, Staples, WalMart (on Conley) and CRH to get the milk. The kids were awesome, and handled the in-and-out of carseats and shopping carts well. They got mylar balloons at Toys R Us. Noah totally digs mylar balloons, and was happy for the rest of the trip. Madeleine enjoyed hers, too, until I had to take it away from her, after several warnings, for making too much noise with it. She would beat on it like a drum for a minute, then shake the crap out of it. It was deafening, not to mention irritating as hell.

Burger prince and princess.

Madeleine in the human habitrail. This is the Burger King at the 63/I-70 intersection, and the play structure is HUGE, three stories tall. Poor Madeleine got lost a couple times, calling, "Mama, where are you? Where are you! I can't see you!" We got it worked out, and got her down, and she did really well, but I could tell she was getting a little anxious about not being to figure out how to get down.

Noah's first time in a human habitrail. He loved climbing through the three little tunnels that looked like a train.

I told you it was big! It's the world's largest! It reads:"Dedicated to God's glory and to the development of strong spiritual family values, with loving and caring relationships of parents and children. With this formost in mind...God would be pleased as we have good, clean family fun together."

Noah's done, but he won't let go of his balloon.

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