Friday, February 13, 2009

Preschool Christmas Party

Our preschool's Christmas party is always a fun, low-key event. People bring food, a wrapped ornament for each kid (for Santa to hand out) and we visit and eat while the kids play with play doh and make little craft projects. Santa makes an appearance, the kids wander over to visit with him, and it's all very comfortable and low-key.

Noah and the Man. Noah was actually the first kid to get up on his lap, which is unusual for him. He's not shy, buy he usually checks things out before jumping in like that.

Madeleine and the Man.

Madeleine helps Miss Sherri open her Christmas present.

Noah at the play-doh, of course.

Miss Sherri reads a Jan Brett book to Madeleine and fellow 4 year old Grace.

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