Friday, February 13, 2009

November and December catch-up

So here are some pictures from the some odds and ends that happened in November and December.

NCCYM in Cleveland, Ohio. This is Shannon and Orin performing at the Advent concert put on by GIA and World Library.

The comedy club performance on Saturday night of the conference. The opening number required tacky Christmas sweaters, and after looking around on eBay and at Goodwill, I thought, I can do way better than that. So, we dug out the picture of Homer in the Santa hat from two years ago, blew it up and turned it into an iron-on transfer, added some green and red pompoms and jingle bells and voila! - our very own tacky sweater! The best part was the back, which said, "Meow-y Christmas". Orin wore a sweater vest he found at Cracker Barrel sans shirt. You will thank me for not posting a photo of that.

Orin, Erin, and the kids at the Shrine when Oddwalk played for the Way of Lights.

Shannon and Madeleine getting down with their bad selves at the WoL.

Madeleine and Granpa after her Christmas dance show.

We got to watch Maia for a few hours while her parents indulged in their gambling vice in Booneville during the Christmas holiday week. The first thing she did was put that cheerleading dress and sunglasses on. She wore the dress all night.

"Super Noah, to the resuce!"

Just hanging out, in too-small footie pajamas, wearing a hat, like you do.

The girl is sound asleep. I mean totally, absolutely, dead to the world, asleep. I was a nice mommy and fixed her, after calling her father in to see and taking this picture.

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