Monday, August 04, 2008

Madeleine the Bride

Ever since Kim and Josh Pierce's wedding, Madeleine has been obesessing over being a bride and getting married. At least 5 times a week, we marry her off to a stuffed toy, her brother, or her father. She loves putting on her ballerina dress, some sort of scarfy/veil thing, and grabbing whoever's handy to get married. She march up to me and ask, "Say the words, Mommy!" and if I leave out "Dearly beloved", she gets quite annoyed and makes me go back and start over. This particular day, she wanted the scarf on her head and I showed her a trick I came up with when I was a little girl dressing up and playing bride - covering her face and head with the scarf, putting a headband on top, and flipping the scarf back over her head like a blusher. She loved it! The flowers came from Debbie Gross, who gave them to Madeleine to play with. Sadly, the flowers are no longer with us, having been played with mercilessly by both the girl and Noah.


Kay Neudecker said...

Back in the day when little girls wore crenolins (those very full petticoats with elastic waists), I used to put them on my head with the waist around my forehead like a sweatband, upside down, with the petticoat skirt part going back over the crown of my head. What groom wouldn't want a bride who looks like that????

Ricky said...

did Madeline propose to Craig too? In the midst of their wrestling match/hug?