Sunday, June 29, 2008

Congratulations to Kim and Josh!

Last weekend, our friends Kim Gross and Josh Pierce got married! Kim is a 2nd Generation OJIF. She and Josh met in college while they were working at a Movie Gallery rental store. Kim and Josh are also de facto captains of our softball team, as the organizers, fee collectors, and information distributors. They got married in the same historic church we did. Shannon and I were honored by the bride and groom to sing "The Prayer" as a duet during the ceremony. It was a challenge - Shannon's part was mostly in Italian, but we worked hard and did our very best. We were happy to be a part of the Pierce's special day. Shannon has posted some pictures on the Oddwalk blog that he took with his phone at the rehearsal. Madeleine, as one may imagine, thoroughly enjoyed the festivites. She played Bride and Groom for a week with various grooms, including her stuffed Simba and her brother. She was absolutely enraptured by Kim the Bride, and would have followed her everywhere that day if I had allowed it. I have some more pictures of my own of the wedding and reception, but here are a couple I lifted from Facebook.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw! I'm so flattered that you wrote about us! I just found all these blogs when I followed the link in Kay's email. When Josh and I get Internet maybe we should start one!