Wednesday, November 28, 2007

October Catch-Up

Here is a bunch of pictures from October, just daily goings-on and stuff around the house.
Noah snoozing in his high chair after lunch.

Doesn't everyone play an African wedding drum when they're dressed like a princess?
Smiley close up of Noah Boy
Madeleine falls asleep on the couch at night, holding her box of Disney Princess flakes that I cannot get her to eat. We're not big cereal eaters at our house, and I thought I'd introduce it by letting her pick out her own, but she refuses to eat this, even though it is super sweet and it turns her milk pink.
Noah loves to sit on the Dora couch and look at books.
Princesses Mommy and Madeleine.

I don't know why a) she's only wearing purple tights and b) she's sitting in the basket.
Cerneka hair. Noah gets all his crazy cowlicks from his father. God knows they don't come from me.
At a Prayer and Praise night in the Haven with some of Shannon's teens.
Sporting t-shirts to go and help promote Lifeteen with Dad at Helias.
Bam! I'm not making an easy, outdated joke here. He really is banging a pot and spoon together.

Whack-A-Mole's cousin, the Whack-A-Shark at Bonkers.
We won a bunch of tickets playing skeeball and Whack-A-Mole and -Shark, and this Frankenstein mask is what Madeleine decided she wanted. She played for a long time while wearing this thing.
n More than anything, besides playing dress-up, Madeleine loves to cook, or to "make", as she calls it. She is mixing croutons with parmesan cheese and pepper to add to our dinner salad.
Crazy Daisy shampoo hair. It's amazing how long it's gotten.
Yee-haw! Noah has sitting and rocking in the step stool, turned upside down.

1 comment:

DMBmillers said...

Great Pics! Looked like the Cernekas had a good time. Thanks again for my Buckeye stuff!!