Sunday, November 04, 2007

Birthday Girl

On October 16, Madeleine turned 3! Here are pictures from our various celebrations.
Pictures from our little fairy photo shoot. I used this one for the invitations, after lightening it up and cropping it in a soft oval. She's not posing - she's trying to watch Sound of Music and the wings are in the way.

Posing with the cake she and I made on her birthday. She helped stir the batter, and she decorated the top entirely on her own (I did stop her from dumping the entire jar of pink sugar crystals on top).

Getting our mother-daughter manicure at Goldilocks.

Madeleine did very well and sat very still for her turn. She picked purple nailpolish.
Drinking her Pink.
On the carousel. She walked around and around until she found her reindeer that she wanted to ride.
Talking to Aunt Becca on the carousel.
Taco birthday feast at the Villa. Granpa brought the hats.
Our family in the Great White North sent her an Alaskan animals video and coloring book.
Madeleine's first Barbie-type doll, a Snow White.
The flowers and the balloon were from Daddy. These are Madeleine's first flowers from a gentleman!
With cousin Nathan at her Tinkerbell party on the 20th.
She's smiling, I promise. I don't know why it looks weird. Gramma C's gift came in this super-cool Princess bag.
Ballerina dress and slippers.
Opening gifts.
The mostly assembled play kitchen. This thing came in 3 huge boxes and weighed a TON. It took Shannon and my Dad about 10 hours alltogether to assemble.
Madeleine really wanted a pinata, so I found a Tinkerbell pull-string one that has a trap door. Instead of hitting the crap of of it, each kid takes a turn pulling a ribbon, one of which opens the trapdoor and releases the goodies.
Some of the goodies. Most of them got stuck in the infrastructure of the pinata.

Tinkerbell ice cream cake!
Trying on the dee-luxe Tinkerbell costume from John and Kay, with the wand that the Willmann's gave her.

The end of a long and happy day!
Our little girl will officially become a preschooler tomorrow. She starts at Millersburg Preschool bright and early at 8:30 and she is so excited! Will have pictures and a complete report of her first day soon.

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