Thursday, July 26, 2007

Aren't the Pucketts moving to Spellaska?

I think it's funny and interesting how terribly some people spell some pretty common words as they voice opinions on the internet. Evidently, someone else does, too and chose to say something. I found this comment to the comments on MSNBC's Test Pattern, which is about tv shows and commercials: (This particular article was about the new season of Lost)

I love Lost. Let me just say that first before I say this: Some of you dudes need to slow down your typing or get a proof reader. "Inthrawled?" Really? "Intrust?" Is that like "interest?" A piece of advice. Don't ever stop learning.
Spelly McSpell, Spelltonia, Spellaska


Anonymous said...

I'm such a horrible speller that they would not allow me to live in Spellaska. Although I hear that it is warmer....

Anonymous said...

Oh! That is so funny! I know my writing isn't perfect, but as a former secretary I just HATE to see the spelling and grammer used in email. And, for Chrissake (is THAT a word?), there is a spellchecker - use it!

Words that maybe are or aren't being used appropriately that I hate: troops (as though it is a plural for solders, sailors, etc) - it is a word for a regiment of solders, finesse as in "Wait a minute, I have to finesse this project a little more and then it will be perfect" - finesse is an adjective, not a verb and my all time favorite - "Turn your completed forms INTO the building secretary" - well, not unless you are a magician! Oops! I guess all that was a run-on sentence.

Anonymous said...

I hate to point this out, but I think you meant, "This particular article IS/WAS about the new season of Lost."

Ok, so no, I don't hate it. I think it's funny to find spelling/grammatical errors in a post about spelling/grammatical errors. Ironic? Isn't that ironic? I don't trust the word "ironic," ever since Alanis seemed to screw it up.

"I do not think it means what you think it means."

Erin said...

It should have been "was". I was typing on a laptop at work with very sticky keys. The w in particular doesn't like to work. It's fixed.

Shouldn't you be working on your thesis, AstroBoy?