Sunday, November 19, 2006

Back to work


So here I go. I am sad, but I like my job a lot, and there's worse things in the world than returning to a good job that I love

We have started potty training in earnest with Madeleine. We put her on the toilet when we change her diaper, and 99% of the time she pees. She has just started yesterday actually asking to use the toilet. I'm not sure if she feels the urge to go or just the urge to get another sticker for her chart.

Noah just grows and grows. He smiles all the time now, and we think he's tried to laugh a couple times. He's definately taking purposeful swipes at hanging toys and sometimes our faces. He's solidly wearing 3-6month clothes now, and I have put away our last newborn sleeper for good. He's my adorable little monkey boy!

Here are some pictures!
Snuggling up with Homer for a nap

Noah and Craig Willmann (Craig is one week old, born a couple weeks early)

Madeleine helps with the laundry by hanging a sock.

Potty time. For some reason, she insists on being starkers to pee. We're working on that.

Noah and Dad


She tries daily to put clothes on, sometimes with disastrous results.

This is definately Shannon's offspring.

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