Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Back at the Shrine

Oddwalk was hired to do the house band for the Shrine's World Youth Day events this weekend. I actually had the opportunity to sing with the band, a rare thing these days because of the kids. It was a lot of fun to sing with a real band, especially when you get such talented musicians as Rick and Theo. Oddwalk and the rest of the band did great, and Noah and Madeleine actually handled things pretty well. Noah hung out, literally, in my sling all day. Madeleine was managed by Aunt Laura, Grandma C, and cousin Mary Anne on Saturday, and by Teen Teamers on Sunday, most notably Kara Eisenbath. She is a busy little girl, and we really appreciated having someone to watch her so I could sing.

My favorite quote of the weekend comes from our friend Erin Hammond (and Noah's godmother):
"Tequilla makes me angry."

1 comment:

Erin said...

Whoo Hoo!

I hope I do you proud!

Cute pics of the kids, we are excited for Baptism Day...