Sunday, September 07, 2008

My Two Year Old Rock Star!

Here are some pictures from Noah's birthday, August 29. We spent the day getting ready for the zoo and the party on the 31st, and in the evening, we went to Bonkers and to Chevy's for dinner with Kelly. (The indoor pictures are not as good as the outdoor pictures because my camera sucks.)

Gramma and Granpa Ramsay gave him this totally rad fire truck. Noah loved it!

You can imagine why she was sitting by herself in the back.

Fum in the human habitrail.

I think this arcade game is a little too self-aware.

It was reading "Get Help" before Noah started hitting it, I swear.

Noah sculpts a piece of art out of his tortilla dough and crayons. He's advanced.

"Camp Wok!" Man, I hope that the Jonas Brother and the girl get together in the end!
Okay, so our waiter was so totally over working at Chevy's and was the most disinterested server I think I've ever had. The reason we went there in the first place is that we wanted Noah to get the happy-clappy song and the sombrero. We like the food, too, so everybody wins. I won a nice big Midori margarita, but that's beside the point. So we mentioned that Noah was a birthday boy, and he totally blew us off. After the meal, he brought the kids the little dish of ice cream that comes with every kid's meal, and we were opening the little gift we brought for Noah. Dude looks at me and says, "Oh, did you want us to sing to him?" I said yes, please, and then he asked when would be a good time. The meal is over, moron, our kids are jumping in their seats and throwing food like monkeys, how about now? But I said anytime that's good for them, and he's like, how about now? Thanks, guy. Appreciate it. I'm sure they must get tired of "Uno, dos, uno, dos, tres, quatros..happy happy birthday, blah blah blah blah blah..." and the hand clapping and the hat, but, he's two. After several minutes, they did finally come over clapping. Noah got his hat and big sundae - he was much more interested in the sundae.

I have a hard time believing my boy is two already. He's still sweet and pretty chill, but he's very much a two year old. He is especially focused these days on doing things himself, to the point of temper tantrums if he can't get it, or most especially, if we try to help. He likes things with wheels, and discovered all on his own that he can push his cars across the floor and make a "vroom" sound. His hands-down favorite food is candy, and can spot a piece at 50 paces. Next to candy, he loves broccolli and ice cream, and of course, nay nay nay. He thinks he knows how to get out of trouble - by saying "hug!" and putting his head on your shoulder. He's a wee bit sensitive and could learn to push back every once in a while. He's likes to use the potty, but it's still just an interesting thing to do, not a necessity, yet. His most favorite things to play with are guitars and keytars/keyboards - can't imagine where that comes from. He loves guitars and rocking out so much, that anything long and narrow-type shaped can become one. (I'll post a video of him rocking a green plastic bat.) He's friendly and outgoing and extremely curious about everything. His vocabulary is amazing, and he loves to parrot new words and phrases, but my favorite is when I tell him I love him, he says, "I yove, too".

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