Monday, April 28, 2008

Special All-Noah Edition of CFA!

Noah Boy will be 20 months old tomorrow! Noah weighs 23 pounds and has 9 teeth, including two molars I just discovered last week. He has 50+ words and is using two and three word phrases, usually "I want_____". He cannot pronouce a "ck" sound, so he says "mult" for milk, "yut" for yuck, and my favorite, "tit" for kick. He can drink from a regular cup, but it's dangerous, because he's usually more interested in watching the liquid pour out into another cup, the table or my carpet than he is in actually drinking from it. He's a patient and creative problem solver, he loves books ("boot") and to be read to. He's a ham who will smile with all his might and teeth anytime he sees a camera and even says, "Cheese!". He's got wicked bed head. He loves to dance and play drums and guitars. He's my little rock star, and I cannot believe he's already this big. Please to enjoy these pictures of him!


Andy said...

Becca and I were taking bets on whether Maia would be bigger than Noah when they meet up again in a few weeks. It looks like she will be! I don't know her current weight, but I know she was 24 pounds at her last doc's appt, which was at least a month ago. And I'm guessing she's already close to 20 teeth, which I hear is where she should be when she's 3! I haven't done the count yet, but when I brush her teeth it sure feels like she's got a full set. (Also, when she bites me.) I sure hope she's nearly done with teething, b/c it's getting ridiculous...

Andy said...

Correction: Maia has 14 teeth, and I can see the shape of the upper canines, waiting to come through.