Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Great Midwestern Ice Storm of 2007 (insert dramatic news sound effects here)

We survived the Great Ice Storm of 2007. Actually, we didn't fare too badly, considering that as I type this, 1200 homes in our county are still without power. Our power was out for about 12 hours on Tuesday, but we were able to spend the day at Mom and Dad's. Our food was still good, and it wasn't cold enough for the pipes to freeze. Our two baby trees in the front yard to still small and bendy, so they didn't suffer any damage. Here are pictures from around Fulton and our yard. (Taken with my Treo, so they aren't the best, but you get the idea.)
Hockaday Hill.
Limbs on a power line on Market street, across from Ovid Bell Press.
Limbs snapped off at the top on Cote Sans Dessein.
More damage on Old Jefferson City Rd
Our mailbox.
My birdbath.
Grass in the front yard. It's hard to tell how thick the ice is, but it's about 3/4 of an inch on some of the blades.
Our little Charlie Brown red maple.
Icicles on the patio furniture.
Icicles on the gutter.
REA and AmerenUE are working hard to get power restored to Callaway and Cole Counties. We are expecting another front this weekend, bringing snow this time, so here's hoping everyone gets their heat back soon!

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