Thursday, September 13, 2007

Noah's First Year

On August 29, Noah turned one year old!

It's been a wonderful and fast year with him.

Noah loves his family, Homer, "talking" on cell phones, mylar ballons, pushing objects across the floor, looking at books, climbing into and sitting in child-sized chairs, music and singing (he claps, bounces, and sways), opening and closing doors, anything electronic with buttons (remotes, phones, cd players, laptops), putting things in and taking them out again and any kind of water play (including dumping out Homer's water bowl). He eats anything you put in front of him, except lettuce, and especially likes pasta, cheese, and grapes. He still nurses on a regular basis and does not yet sleep through the night. He is giving kisses and likes to play "bonk" - which is exactly what it sounds like - you bonk heads with him. He can say mama, dada, and bye bye as he waves. He recognizes the signs for "nursing", "more", "mom"and "dad". He is has taken several independent steps and is this close to fully walking. He crawls super-fast, and is cruising around furniture. He can stand for several seconds on his own, and will bend his knees to lower himself to the floor, rather toppling over. He hates getting changed, having his hair rinsed, and big dogs. He is 29 inches long and weighs 20 pounds, which is between the 25th and 50th percentiles. He has one dimple and his eyes have turned the same chocolatey brown as his dad's and sister's. He has two bottom teeth, and his top incisors will be erupting any day now. His hair, which started out as dark, almost black, is now a honey-colored blond. He has this funny thick patch on his anterior crown, which has this crazy little cowlick. He is sunny and smiley and totally chill, although his frustration level is begin to lower as he approaches toddlerhood. He makes this "ta-da" gesture with his whole arm whenever he sees someone or something he thinks is cool. He likes to play "Oh No!" and puts his hands on either side of his head. He is awesome, and I am a better person for being his mom.

September 2006
Baby announcements photo shoot.

Keytar onsie!

October 2006

November 2006
Playing guitar with Daddy.

December 2006
Christmas card photo shoot with Santa hat.

January 2007
All bundled up!

February 2006
Naked baby!
Smiling for the start of spring training.

March 2006

April 2006
Sitting in the sun in Orin and Erin's backyard.

May 2006
Poop face!

June 2007
At Medieval Times. Also, a little doppy from the Benedryl I gave him for his nasty cold.
Noah discovers he can combine his three favorite skills of standing up, opening doors, and pulling stuff out in the plastic container cabinet.
Starting to experiment with getting out of high chair lapbelts. He's totally a Houdini at it now: I'll turn around and he'll be standing up in the highchair or grocery cart having wiggled out of the belt.

July/August 2007
Crazy daisy bathtime hair.
A clean and dry boy!


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